Government Skills and Training Incentive – up to $2,200 (inc GST)
Act NOW while funding is accessible:
- Government funding up to $2,200 (inc GST)
- For education courses
- For eligible applicants aged 40 and over.
What is it?
It’s called the Government Skills and Training Incentive, and it is delivered through the Skills Checkpoint Program.
The program aims to assist mature Australian workers aged 40 and over to invest in their training and adopt a life-long approach to skills development, thereby reducing their risk of entering the income support system.
The Incentive is available to people who have completed a Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers Program Career Plan that identifies training opportunities (accredited or non-accredited) linked to either their:
- current job,
- a future opportunity,
- an industry in demand, or
- an occupation in national shortage on the National Skills Commission’s Skills Priority List published June 2021.
Eligible Participants may access up to $2,200 (GST Inclusive) from the Australian Government to contribute to funding re-skilling or up-skilling opportunities.
The Incentive provides up to $2,200 to fund training.
The guidelines say you may undertake several courses until the value of the $2,200 (GST Inclusive) Incentive has been expended.
The Government contribution for a training course will be up to 75 per cent of the course cost, up to a total of $2,200 (GST Inclusive), for training courses related to occupations in national shortage on the National Skills Commission’s Skills Priority List.
A training course not related to occupations in national shortage on the National Skills Commission’s Skills Priority List will attract a total Government Contribution of up to 50 per cent of the course cost, up to a total of $2,200 (GST Inclusive).
What does a Skills Checkpoint assessment involve?
Participants undertake individually tailored assessments of their skill levels. Skills Checkpoint providers then develop a Career Plan to assist participants in identifying:
- gaps in their skills if they want to transition to a new career or undertake a new role in their current occupation; or
- skills they could develop or enhance to increase their capacity to perform in their current role.
Where relevant, the Career Plan may also provide advice on potential new industries or roles where there may be job opportunities and recommendations and information on appropriate training.
Your Skills Checkpoint provider can provide you with more information on what a Skills Checkpoint assessment involves and how it can assist you.
Eligibility – Who is it for?
The program is aimed at helping Australians over the age of 40 who have become unemployed or are at risk of entering the income support system. This also includes sole traders and business operators.
The eligibility requirements are:
- are an Australian citizen or permanent resident
- are aged 40 years and over at the time of registration in the Skills Checkpoint Program
- are currently employed and at risk of entering the income support system or recently unemployed (within the last 12 months)
- are not registered with an employment services provider
- have a completed Skills Checkpoint Program Career Plan that identifies training linked to their current job (for example, upgrading skills), a future job opportunity, an industry in demand or is related to an occupation in national shortage included on the National Skills Commission’s Skills Priority List.
What relevant courses do we offer?
FNS50422 Diploma of Payroll Services
FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting
FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
FNSSS00012 Payroll Administrator Skill Set
Individual units
FNSTPB412 Establish and maintain payroll systems
FNSTPB411 Complete business activity and instalment activity statements
Talk to us
To get individual feedback on your situation, please reach out to us on 1300 069 273 for a confidential chat.
How to apply?
To access the Incentive, you must first complete a Skills Checkpoint assessment that identifies training linked to your current job (e.g. upgrading skills), a future job opportunity, or an industry or occupation in demand.
Apply here > Skills Checkpoint Online Application