WHY is CPE Compulsory?

WHY is CPE Compulsory?

The Tax Agent Services regime, which is applicable to registered practitioners, consists of Acts, Regulations, Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments and other legislative instruments. Other legislative instruments also apply. Acts that are commonly referred to are listed below.


Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA)

An Act to establish the Tax Practitioners Board and provide for the registration and regulation of tax Agents, BAS Agents and tax (financial) advisers. Learn more.


Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (TASR)

The TASR contains the qualifications and experience requirements for registration as a tax Agent, BAS Agent and tax (financial) adviser, the application fees payable, and the requirements to become a recognised tax Agent, BAS Agent and tax (financial) adviser association. Learn more.


Tax Agent Services (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 

An Act that contains the transitional and consequential matters arising from the enactment of the TASA 2009. Learn more.


Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 3) Act 2013

An act that creates a regulatory framework for tax (financial) advice services and contains the transitional provisions for registration as a tax (financial) adviser. Learn more.


Tax Agent Services (Specified BAS Services) Instrument 2016 

A legislative instrument that declares certain services as ‘BAS services’. It allows BAS Agents to provide certain services that extend beyond the legislative definition of BAS provision without the requirement to be a registered tax Agent. Learn more.

Other Legislation

Key Acts that are commonly referred to in the industry are listed below. Other legislative instruments also apply.  


Corporations Act 2001

The Act that sets out the laws dealing with business entities in Australia. It deals primarily with companies, although it also deals with other entities, such as partnerships and managed investment schemes.


Criminal Code Act 1995

An Act with the laws relating to Australian criminal law (offences against laws of the Commonwealth), and has application to the Tax Agent Services Act 2009, and other Commonwealths Acts.


Freedom of Information Act 1982

An Act that defines the public rights of access to official documents of the Government of the Commonwealth and of its agencies under the Information Publication Scheme.


Privacy Act 1988

An Act that regulates how personal information is handled, including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme.


Taxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA)

An Act that relates to the administration of certain Acts relating to taxation. Registered Practitioners must comply with all Taxation laws for which the Commissioner has general administration of or any regulations made under such an Act.

Additional information

CPE hours for BAS Agents

You should complete a minimum of 90 hours of CPE* within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of 20 hours* each year to meet TPB requirements. Most associates require 15 per annum (* from 1 July 2022).

Association CPE requirements

If you are a member of a recognised professional association, then your compliance with the association’s CPE requirements will generally be accepted as meeting the TPB’s CPE requirements.

Tips for CPE

A course that has been completed to obtain registration or renew registration will not generally constitute a CPE activity. No more than 25 per cent of CPE should be undertaken through relevant technical or professional reading. 

Recording CPE activities

You must keep a record of your CPE activities, as the TPB or your Association may request you to provide evidence of CPE that you have completed at any time throughout your registration period.

Managing your professional development

Code Obligations

Understand the professional obligations imposed by the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Breaching the Code of Professional Conduct may invoke sanctions which could ruin your plan for success! 


Assess your level of competence, emerging trends, legislative transformation and changes within your practice​. Combine this research with any identified skills gaps to guide your CPE plan.


CPE is an obligation worthy of your focus and commitment. Investing in your own education and development makes you more knowledgeable, competent and more valuable to your clients!

Action Plan

Develop your personal CPE Action Plan to manage your professional development. Budget time and money for CPE – you are well worth the investment and, together with My CPE, you can achieve your goals!

CPE Frequently asked questions

My CPE consider Continued Professional Education (CPE) to be any educational activity that maintains, develops or promotes your bookkeeping skills, knowledge or attributes. The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) and your industry association may also recognises these CPE activities and those which contribute to the overall efficiency, development or professionalism of you and your business.

As a member of a recognised professional association for BAS Agents, practitioners have an obligation to participate in Continuing Professional Education (CPE). The Continuing Professional Education of practitioners must provide a foundation of knowledge, skills and professional standards that enable them to continue to develop and adjust to change throughout their professional careers and deliver services to a competent level.

Practitioners should carry out their professional work in accordance with the technical and professional standards relevant to the services they deliver, and should only undertake work that they can expect to complete with professional competence.

CPE will improve your professional competence and aid compliance with your regulator and association.

There are many benefits to maintaining your CPE. Here are a few we can offer:

  1. Aids your compliance obligations with the Tax Practitioners Board, Professional Associations and software partners
  2. Builds on the knowledge and skills you need to deliver services to a competent standard
  3. Ensures that you are aware of the changing trends and directions in your industry
  4. Assists you in accomplishing your development and career goals
  5. Enhances your reputation as a professional
  6. Helps you continue to become more effective in the workplace
  7. Helps you to stay interested and motivated
  8. Opens opportunities for advancement and new service offerings
  9. Increases your earning potential
  10. Helps you earn credibility and respect in your field
  11. Proves your willingness to invest in your own development
  12. Demonstrates your commitment to your profession
  13. Provides a deeper understanding of the implications and impacts of your work
  14. Advances the body of knowledge and technology within your profession
  15. Aids increased public confidence in professionals and their profession as a whole.

The Tax Practitioners Board define CPE as “any education activity relevant to the tax (financial) advice, tax agent or BAS services you provide that maintains, develops or promotes your skills, knowledge or attributes, is considered to be a continuing professional education (CPE) activity under our CPE policy.”

Continued Professional Education (CPE) has been introduced under the Tax Agent Service regime to ensure Agents registered with the TPB remain informed on current developments in the ever changing financial services industry, and maintain a high level of professional knowledge and the appropriate skills to competently deliver the services they are registered to perform.

Associations and Software providers will have a similar policy in place which members and/or partners will need to comply with simultaneously to the compliance required under the TPB policy.

Read More: TPB

Practitioners who are registered with the Tax Practitioners Board must complete CPE in order to comply with their obligations under TASA 2009, including the Code of Professional Conduct, which requires that:

  • A tax Agent service that you provide, or that is provided on your behalf, is provided competently
  • You must maintain knowledge and skills relevant to the tax Agent services that you provide
  • You must take reasonable care in ascertaining a client’s state of affairs, to the extent that ascertaining the state of those affairs is relevant to a statement you are making or a thing you are doing on behalf of a client
  • You must take reasonable care to ensure that taxation laws are applied correctly to the circumstances in relation to which you are providing advice to a client.

Read more on our Compulsory CPE page.

CPE activities considered appropriate under the Tax Practitioners Board policy includes:

  • Seminars, workshops, courses and lectures
  • Structured conferences and discussion groups (including by phone or video conference)
  • Tertiary courses provided by universities, registered training organisations (RTOs), other registered higher education institutions or other approved course providers
  • Other education activities provided by an appropriate organisation
  • Research, writing and presentation by a registered tax (financial) adviser, tax or BAS Agent of technical publications or structured training
  • Peer review of research and writing submitted for publication or presentation in structured training
  • Computer/internet-assisted courses, audiotape or videotape packages
  • Attendance at structured in-house training on tax related subjects by persons or organisations with suitable qualifications and/or practical experience in the subject area covered
  • Attendance at appropriate Australian Taxation Office (ATO) seminars and presentations
  • Relevant CPE activities provided to members and non-members by a recognised professional association
  • Cyber security awareness training
  • A unit of study or other CPE activity on the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA), including the Code of Professional Conduct (Code).


  • The TPB recommends that no more than 25 per cent of CPE should be undertaken through relevant technical or professional reading. This is also defined as Unstructured CPE. Up to 10% on health and wellbeing activities, such as attending webinars on stress management and self-care
  • A course that has been completed to obtain registration or renew registration will not generally constitute a CPE activity. However, a subsequent or higher level course relevant to the tax (financial) advice, tax Agent or BAS services provided may be acceptable.

Read More: TPB

Unstructured CPE has no set skills or knowledge objectives, no defined learning outcome or external structure. The TPB recommend that no more than 25 per cent of your CPE quota should be undertaken through relevant technical or professional reading and up to 10% on health and wellbeing activities, such as attending webinars on stress management and self-care. This is also defined as Unstructured CPE.


  • Developing and maintaining workplace requirements (management, laws, etc.)
  • Technical reading
  • Research and writing for technical papers
  • Regulator information and discussion sessions (ATO, FWA, TPB)
  • Self-paced audio, visual and computer based instruction where no assessment is evident.

Structured CPE generally has a defined set of skills and/or knowledge objectives, defined learning outcomes and a structured framework.


  • Activities delivered by My CPE as assessment is evident (webinars, online courses, etc.)
  • Formal qualifications, skills sets and individual units delivered by My CPE (unless the study relates to gaining your base qualification)
  • Formal in-house training provided by, or on behalf of an employer
  • Learning associated with new and updated software
  • Research, preparation and presentation of technical information.

My CPE offer a broad range of activities, so if you’re looking for ways to obtain your CPE hours and maintain your register, join us and check out these possibilities. Most CPE we offer falls into the Structured category.

How many CPE hours you need per year will vary depending on your registration with a regulator, such as the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB), your professional association and your software provider’s partner program.

The TPB advise the obligations for the three practitioner types are:

BAS Agents

BAS Agents (other than those with a condition of fuel tax credits) should complete a minimum of 90 hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of 20 hours each year unless you have a conditional registration, such as of fuel tax credits only, you should complete a minimum of six hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period (minimum of two hours each year).

If your registration period is other than three years, you should complete CPE on a pro-rata basis.

Many members of a Professional Association have an obligation to demonstrate:

  • A minimum of 20 hours of CPE activities per year
  • A total of 90 hours over a standard three-year period
  • CPE is generally accumulated over a three-year period. The start date is based on the 12-month period following admittance to Membership (CPE Year). Check the terms and conditions with your specific Association.

Tax Agents

The TPB advise tax Agents should complete a minimum of 120 hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of 20 hours each year, unless:

  • You have the condition of quantity surveying or fuel tax credits on your registration, then you should complete a minimum of six hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of two hours each year
  • You have another condition on your registration, then you should complete a minimum of 45 hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of five hours each year.

If your registration period is other than three years, you should complete CPE on a pro-rata basis.

Tax (financial) advisers

The Tax Practitioners Board requires tax (financial) advisers to complete a minimum of 60 hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of seven hours each year.

  • If you have a condition on your registration, you must complete a minimum of 45 hours of CPE within a standard three-year registration period, with a minimum of five hours each year
  • If your registration period is other than three years, you should complete CPE on a pro-rata basis.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The minimum hours mandated by the TPB are the minimum only in order to comply with your obligations. If you cannot remain competent with this level of CPE, you have an obligation under the Code of Professional Conduct to complete as much CPE as it takes to maintain and demonstrate competence. 

Your Association will generally recognises CPE activities as approved by the Tax Practitioners Board and those which contribute to the overall efficiency, development or professionalism of you or your business.

In general terms, if you are a member of a recognised professional association, your compliance with the association’s CPE requirements will be accepted as meeting the Tax Practitioners Board CPE requirements, subject to the CPE activities:

  • Being relevant to the services you provide
  • Being provided by persons or organisations with suitable qualifications and/or practical experience in the subject area
  • Meeting the minimum amount of CPE hours for your registration type.

Notably, each recognised professional association will have a slightly different CPE Policy to each other and also to the Tax Practitioners Board. 

The activities and events listed on My CPE, in our opinion, meets the TPB’s requirements as outlined on www.tpb.gov.au.

If you are a member of a recognised professional association such as the Australian Bookkeepers Association, then your compliance with the association’s CPE requirements will be accepted as meeting the TPB’s CPE requirements, subject to the CPE activities:

  • Being relevant to the tax (financial) advice, tax Agent or BAS services you provide
  • Being provided by persons or organisations with suitable qualifications and/or practical experience in the subject area
  • Meeting our minimum amount of CPE hours as mentioned above

For more information, refer to either:

Further to a practitioner’s obligations to complete CPE activities, is the requirement to maintain a record and evidence of such, including the details of the activities, nature of the activity, and the hours undertaken. My CPE will help you manage your CPE on our e-Learning portal.

  • If you maintain a CPE register to satisfy membership requirements of a recognised professional association, you do not need to keep an additional record for TPB purposes. You can access your CPE achievements online with My CPE as long as you have an active account
  • Records of your CPE should be kept for five years (from 1 July 2022) unless you are a member of a relevant recognised professional association, in which case records should be kept in accordance with the requirements of the relevant association.

Recognised professional associations can be located on the TPB website.

There are a broad range of acceptable CPE activities, not all of which require formal enrolment; however, you will need to maintain a record of your activities and evidence to substantiate such.

The TPB advise that you should maintain a record and evidence of your engagement in CPE activities. Records should generally be kept for a period of five years according to the Board. Your Association may have a different requirement.

For more information refer to either:

The types of CPE activities that can be undertaken are broad and are not necessarily limited to face-to-face activities. Examples of non-face-to-face activities include reading, computer/internet assisted courses, structured multimedia conferences and discussion groups.

Join My CPE to access a range of relevant, interesting and beneficial webinars and other online activities.

For more information refer to either:

The types of CPE activities that can be undertaken are broad and are not necessarily limited to fee-paying activities. My CPE can help you meet your obligations, so contact us at studentsupport@mycpe.com.au.

Why maintain your CPE:

  • Ensures you constantly increase the knowledge and skills you need to deliver services to a competent standard
  • Ensures that you are aware of the changing trends and directions in your industry
  • Aids your compliance obligations
  • Assists you in accomplishing your development and career goals 
  • Enhances your reputation as a professional
  • Helps you continue to become more effective in the workplace
  • Helps you to stay interested and interesting
  • Opens avenues to new service offerings
  • Provides a deeper understanding of the implications and impacts of your work
  • Advances the body of knowledge and technology within your profession
  • Aids increased public confidence in professionals and their profession as a whole
  • Contributes to the environment, sustainability and the economy. 

You should maintain a record and evidence of the CPE activities that you have completed, including the details of the activities and the hours undertaken. ABA requires CPE records are retained for at least 3 years after the end of the CPE Year.

If you maintain a CPE log to satisfy membership requirements of the Association, you do not need to keep an additional record for TPB purposes.

The Association may request evidence or confirmation of the CPE activities that you have completed. This may require you to provide a copy of your CPE log.

The TPB Advise that individuals who are registered should undertake CPE in accordance with the TPB’s CPE policy. There is no difference between full-time and part-time work for the purposes of their CPE policy.  The need to keep up to date is not diminished by only working part-time. It’s a matter of registration.

The TPB Advise that individuals who are registered Agents should undertake CPE in accordance with the TPB’s CPE policy. There is no difference between individuals carrying on a business and those not carrying on a business for the purposes of their CPE policy. It’s a matter of registration.

The TPB’s CPE policy applies to all individual registered practitioners, including those associated with the partnership/company. This includes, but is not limited to, the sufficient number of registered individuals who provide supervision and control. It’s a matter of registration.

My CPE Pty Ltd is an organisation solely focused on providing the highest quality education to the bookkeeping professional and practitioner, formal and informal. We offer quality educational resources and the ideal CPE management solution.  Our system combines the convenience of online CPE with the benefits of live webinars and face-to-face events as well.

My CPE are committed to promoting and increasing the integrity and professionalism of the bookkeeping industry, as well as encouraging our members to participate in CPE which maintains, develops and promotes their skills, knowledge and attributes. My CPE considers professional development as a fundamental part of this development. 

Our name clearly says “My CPE”; however, we also offer formal qualifications that are nationally recognised. Qualifications we deliver are through our Registered Training Organisation partner, the Institute of Strategic Management Pty Ltd (91485).

My CPE offer a broad range of activities, so if you’re looking for ways to obtain your CPE hours and maintain your register, join us and check out the many options we offer through Webinars, E-Learning, Workshops, Formal Education and Events:

  • E-Learning courses
  • Webinars
  • Formal education, such as qualifications, skill sets and individual units
  • Cyber security awareness training (TPB specified CPE)
  • A unit of study or other CPE activity on the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA), including the Code of Professional Conduct (TPB specified CPE)
  • Seminars, conference and workshops.

We keep records of your educational activities (CPE) whilst you are an active user of the service. You are responsible for maintaining your personal profile. Please update your personal details as required.

Certificates will be issued on eligible activities you pass; you are able to print or download your certificates anytime, 24 hours a day. Your CPE Register will be automatic updated as you complete CPE activities with My CPE. You can also add events completed externally to your My CPE Register.

IMPORTANT: If you cancel you membership, ensure you download all relevant records, as My CPE will not retain a copy.

The TPB advise that a course that has been completed to obtain your initial practitioner registration with the TPB, or renewal of your registration will not generally constitute a CPE activity. However, a subsequent or higher level program relevant to the tax (financial) advice, tax Agent or BAS services provided may be acceptable.

Additionally, working in the industry and providing services which fall under the provision of a tax (financial) advice, tax Agent or BAS service will not constitute a CPE activity.

Remember, no more than 25 per cent of CPE can be undertaken through relevant technical or professional reading.

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